Saturday 10 November 2012

October 8 - Barbados

We arrived at 6am so I was not up to see the sail in, but we appear to be in what is also a container dock,  although there is room for 6 cruise ships here.
I hadn’t booked a tour as I was being met by Cecil Ince, Chairman of Foster & Ince, the Port Agents in Barbados for all cruise ships. Cecil met me on the quayside at 9.30 and we walked to the terminal to discuss plans for the day. He then took me to his beautiful silver Bentley and we drove to their head office to meet his son Martin. We sat in the boardroom with coffee, surrounded by the plaques cruise ships had given them, and discussed their work and what they offer to shipping. After half an hour I was very priviliged to be given a tour of Bridgetown in the Bentley. It was very interesting driving through the city and seeing the old and new, where development was taking place etc.
We went to the Garrison, now a UNESCO world heritage site and then back to the ship since Martin had suggested I try one of their tours and the only afternoon one was the Huntes Gardens and Orchid World – the latter owned by FICS. I enjoyed the tour very much, especially seeing the interior of Barbados, which in places looked very English!
We got back to the ship at 4.30 - time for me to grab a toasted sandwich and head up for the sailaway. After watching from just above the bridge wing, I joined the Great British Sailaway at the stern. Once again the skies were stunning as the sun set.
Then there was just time to wash and change, go the jewellery event with free champagne and then to the Theatre Royal to watch Bill Tidy. I had planned to go to the Farewell to the Caribbean Deck Party but due to the somewhat bouncy seas we are experiencing, it was moved to the Pacific Lounge and when I popped my head in, was empty so decided to go the bed. Am really looking forward to a lie in tomorrow and the next four days at sea!

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