Tuesday 27 December 2011

Oceana Day 14 - Haifa (Galilee & Nazareth)

Saturday 4 December – Haifa

For our second day in Haifa I had chosen the tour to Nazareth & Galilee so we set off from the port at 8am for the hour drive to Galilee. It was yet another beautiful sunny day. The countryside was completely different from that we saw yesterday – here green and fertile plains. We started at the Mount of Beatitudes, overlooking the Sea of Galilee. It was a quiet, peaceful church with swallows swooping through the archways. Next we went to Tabgha where the miracle of the loaves and fishes took place and where Jesus is supposed to have shown himself to his disciples after the resurrection. Here we were able to walk down the stony beach to the water’s edge and paddle in the water.

Then, a drive along the shores of Galilee through Tiberias to Capernum and Saint Peter’s House and finally for the morning, to the River Jordan, again where we were able to step into the water, in fact one passenger decdied to be re-baptised then and there. The hire of a gown and towels was $10, and the full-immersion baptism performed by a priest. The river is not that wide and is very green.

Swimming in the water were lots of muskrats. After a stop for souvenir shopping, we travelling to a kibbutz for s delicious buffet lunch. After luch it was a 25 minute drive to Nazareth. Like most of these biblical towns, it was a modern, scruffy, bustling place but the Church of the Annunciation was an oasis of peace. Inside are the remains of what is supposed to be Mary and Joseph’s house, with the church and main altar built around them.

Next door is Saint Joseph’s Chapel – a beautiful, plain chapel next to the remains of ancient ruins of workshops etc.  A Mass was being held in the Church and the atmosphere and sounds were magical. The sun was starting to set as we came out and down to the coach, pausing at another souvenir shop for last-minute gifts and a comfort break. The whole day was well-paced with lots to see but not rushed. I would love to come back again to see more of this amazing country.

That evening at dinner, we all had a surprise in that a gentleman at the table behind us (in the opposite direction from the complaints!) felt we needed something to compensate us for the hassle, and bought a couple of bottles of Verve Cliquot for us all!  A very generous and much appreciated gesture, since we didn’t know each other at all.

Thankfully – a sea day tomorrow!

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